29 July 2014

Note: Historic record set by Family Search indexers

Some 66,000 plus family history enthusiasts showed up on-line to participate in the Family Search world wide indexing event last week. Tens of thousands indexers logged in during the 24-hour period between July 20 and 21 to set an unprecedented record.

The official FamilySearch.org blog reported, " FamilySearch indexers and arbitrators from around the world joined together to set an international record for the greatest number of indexing participants in a single day! We hoped to have...50,000 contributors in a 24 hour period. FamilySearch volunteers excelled, surpassing that goal by 16,511..."

"While the focus for this challenge was on the total number of participants, a tremendous amount of indexing and arbitration work was accomplished as well. Here are the results for the number of records indexed and arbitrated."

Indexed: 4,682,746
Arbitrated: 941,932
Total Records Processed: 5.7 million

28 July 2014

Note: There was a time when my family were Pioneers

21 July 2014

Worldwide Indexing Event now in progress

The FamilySearch Worldwide Indexing Event started yesterday, July 20, and runs until this evening, July 21, 2014, at 5:59 pm Mountain Daylight Time (7:59 EDT, 6:59 CDT, 4:59 PDT).
Participate at https://familysearch.org/indexing/ .
FamilySearch 2014 Worldwide Indexing Event
Read more in the FamilySearch blog article, “Join the Worldwide Indexing Event.”